Just The Facts - Math Workshop

Utilizing imaginative math games and engaging activities, this workshop will reinforce and solidify your child's critical foundational math skills.

A FUN lightning fast camp for elementary aged students! We will review, re-teach, and practice the basic math facts that every student needs to know to be successful in math for life.

Don't worry... it will be super fun. Come learn with new friends in ways you never imagined possible!

Our Math Workshop Approach

We cover addition, subtaction, multiplication, division, time and measurement - using creative tactics that keep those pesky facts fresh in the mind for the new school year.

Oldsmar, FL Tutoring Center

Advanced Learners is pleased to introduce our flagship Learning Center in the Tampa Bay Area.

Come visit us at our modern facility conveniently located between Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties in Oldsmar. Unlike other tutoring centers you may have seen – our space is clean, bright, and fun.

We are easy to find

3730 Tampa Rd, Oldsmar, FL 34677

Schedule and Costs

  •   Offered:7/17/17 to 7/21/17 - M thru F 12-2 pm
  •   Offered:7/31/17 to 8/04/17 - M thru F 12-2 pm
  •    Pricing: $100