Chemistry Tutors
Chemistry can fun at any age! Remember making rock candy, a baking soda and vinegar volcano, and liquid smoke bombs? We become fascinated with chemistry at an early age. Once it is time to take courses in chemistry it becomes a bit harder and confusing. Learning about the elements and the periodic table are just the beginning. Understanding acids and bases, chemical bonding, atomic structures, and chemical bonding can send most teenagers into a frenzy. Once a student enters college, a frenzy can turn into down right panic. No matter whether the student is taking an introductory chemistry course or an upper level chemistry course, we have the qualified tutors that can help. Here are just some of the courses are tutors have helped students in through the years:
Biochemistry - Topics include: molecular, cellular, and organismal chemical activities. Metabolic pathways and enzymology, biochemical structures and sequences, and genome databases are included.
Chemical Engineering - Chemical engineering basically is applied chemistry. It is the branch of engineering concerned with the design, construction, and operation of machines and plants that perform chemical reactions to solve practical problems or make useful products.
Inorganic Chemistry - Topics include: molecular structure, molecular shape and symmetry, structure of solids, d-metal complexes, oxidation and reduction, and acids and bases.
Organic Chemistry - Focuses on relationships between molecular structure and chemical reactivity, and stresses the development of sophisticated problem-solving skills in the context of organic reaction mechanisms and multi-step synthesis. Homolytic and heterolytic substitution, elimination, oxidation and reduction reactions; topics in stereochemistry and spectroscopy.
Principles of Chemistry I- Topics include: atomic structure; thermochemistry; periodicity, bonding and molecular structure; intermolecular forces; properties of solids; liquids, gases and solutions.
Principle of Chemistry II – Topics include: Thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium; acid/base chemistry; oxidation and reduction; kinetics; spectros-copy; introduction to nuclear, organic, inorganic, and polymer chemistry.
Physical Chemistry I – Topics include: States of matter. Kinetic theory of gases. Transport phenomena. Chemical thermodynamics and its application to chemical systems. Equilibrium. Ionic solutions and electrochemistry. Introduction to chemical kinetics.
Physical Chemistry II – Topics include: chemical kinetics and catalysis. Introductory quantum chemistry. Spectroscopy. Statistical thermodynamics.
Whether the student is taking a high school or college level chemistry course, we have expert tutors available and ready to help. All of our chemistry tutors are especially degreed in the specific field of study in which the student needs help. Many of our chemistry tutors hold upper level degrees or are college professors. We are so confident in our chemistry tutors that you can meet with them for free. Contact us now for a Meet and Greet with the tutor of your choice.
High School Tutors
Band practice, soccer games, French club, dual enrollment, volunteering, study groups…the life of a high school student is never ending and neither is that of their parents. High school is a crucial time in everyone’s life. Most students tend to take on more than they can mentally and physically handle, but want to prove they can do it. As a parent, when you see the signs of your student struggling, do not wait until it’s too late. A simple call to hire a tutor now can make all the difference later. A tutor well versed in working with high school students understands these students are juggling a lot and they have ways to help the student stay focused, organized, well-prepared, and achieve their academic goals. Contact us today to learn more.
Tampa Tutors
Tampa, as one of our founding cities, has amazing tutors that have been helping students there since our company began. As the home to our corporate office, Tampa clients enjoy superior service and selection when searching for a tutor. Our highly customized service means that you determine exactly who your tutor will be, where the tutoring will take place, and for how long. We have been providing tutoring services to Tampa students for many, many successful years. Our reputation as a premium service is evident in the hundreds of testimonials we have received from parents, students, and schools across Hillsborough County.
Our Tutoring Service
We believe that one-on-one, personalized, in-home instruction is the most effective way for students to focus on academic improvement and build confidence. We know that finding you the best tutor means more that just sending a qualified teacher into your home. We provide our clients access to the largest selection of highly qualified and fully screened professional tutors in the country. We believe that tutoring is most effective when the academic needs of the student are clearly defined. Our purpose is to help you clarify those needs, set academic goals, and meet those goals as quickly and effectively as possible. Using a tutor should be a positive experience that results in higher achievement and higher self-confidence for every learner.