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After School Programs

School Administrator

Sing, Spell, Read & Write (K - 3rd)

We guarantee that your students will read!  We have partnered with the author and developor Sue Dickson, a well-known educator with 27 years of primary grade experience to bring your students the internationaly acclaimed program Sing, Spell, Read, & Write.

Build fluent, independent readers through a unique 36-step learning-to-read curriculum built on carefully sequenced, systematic, and explicit phonics instruction. With over 25 years of proven classroom success, Sing, Spell, Read, & Write uses music as the primary instructional vehicle. This fun and engaging reading program will have all of your students reading! This program best serves small groups of less than 10 learners.

Musical Math Facts (1st - 4th)

Students struggling with learning basic math skills (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) will quickly learn how to count, write, and master all the basic math facts with this fun multi-sensory program! Musical Math is equally effective through individual instruction as with small group learning.

State Standarized Test Preparations

We offer small group (3-5 students) lessons for students preparing for upcoming state standarized tests. We utilize commercially produced materials to improve student skills for all tested subjects. A tutor will provide group instruction for each section of the test (including practice sheets and sample tests), as well as one-on-one assistance to each participant.

SOS skills– Student and Organizational Study skills

The skills necessary for college success are needed long before high school graduation.
Students entering high school rarely understand the long term significance of their academic performance over the next four years. College-bound freshmen need guidance in order to set realistic goals and create an effective plan of action for academic success.

Research shows that without the right organizational and study skills, many students lose an equivalent of one to two years of academic achievement that are crucial to succeeding and reaching future goals.

Regardless of each student’s current knowledge level, with the S.O.S skills program students will achieve overall improvement in setting goals, organization, note-taking, completion of assigned work, test preparation, reading and listening for understanding, and so much more.

This program is designed to coincide with regular classes, in order to effectively and efficiently make a difference.  This program spans four weeks and requires one 2-hour session a week.  Classes can be taught on-campus after school or on weekends for groups of 5-10 students.

School Administrator

Summer College Transition Seminars

If you are looking for a program to guarantee college success for your student, this is it! The number of first year college students who fail or drop out is astonishing. At last report it was at nearly 30%. But, in just one day, students can prepare for success in college by participating in an exciting hands-on learning seminar. Topics include: The College Experience, Time Management and Planning, Choosing a Major, Effective Writing, Critical Thinking, Research Skills and much more. We can bring this program directly to your location.