Math Tutors
Are you or your student having difficulty following along in math class? Don’t suffer another day…call us and select the right math tutor for any level of learning!
Building math skills will build math confidence. Grasping difficult math concepts is so much easier with our qualified and compassionate tutors. Whether the struggle is with fractions or quadratic equations we have just the right tutor to meet your needs. One on one instruction means the teaching goes at the student’s pace and is tailored to the student’s specific needs. Private tutoring means a student can return to the classroom with confidence!
We will help you select a qualified math tutor that will work best with your or your student’s math learning style. Our math tutors understand the math struggles that students have and work in the privacy and comfort of your own home. Improve test scores and overall course grade quickly with the help of our friendly and professional math tutors.
High School Tutors
Band practice, soccer games, French club, dual enrollment, volunteering, study groups…the life of a high school student is never ending and neither is that of their parents. High school is a crucial time in everyone’s life. Most students tend to take on more than they can mentally and physically handle, but want to prove they can do it. As a parent, when you see the signs of your student struggling, do not wait until it’s too late. A simple call to hire a tutor now can make all the difference later. A tutor well versed in working with high school students understands these students are juggling a lot and they have ways to help the student stay focused, organized, well-prepared, and achieve their academic goals. Contact us today to learn more.
Manhattan Tutors
When we get a call from Manhattan, we listen. These residents take their education very seriously and so do we! Manhattan boasts 70,595 residents per square mile. Mid-town Manhattan is the largest central business district in the United States. Manhattan is home to some of the most prestigious schools from Montessori, high schools, Prep schools, and colleges in the country. Over 52% of the population holds a bachelor’s degree or higher. As a city with students of all ages, we have cultivated an elite group of tutors to help students with any subject necessary. Our highly customized service means that you determine exactly who your tutor will be, where the tutoring will take place, and for how long. Our reputation as a premium service is evident in the multitude of testimonials and referrals we have received from parents, students, and schools throughout the New York City area.
Our Tutoring Service
We offer our clients choice when searching for a tutor, and we work with you all the way through the selection process. When you choose to work with one of our tutors, expect quality, professionalism, and experience. We will never offer you a tutor that is not qualified in the specific subject area you request. We will provide you with the degrees, credentials, and certifications each selected tutor holds so that you have the same confidence in them that we do. And for your peace of mind, we conduct a nation-wide criminal background check, sexual predator check and social security verification on every single tutor we offer you. We will find you the right tutor so that you can find success!