Geometry Tutors
Struggling with Geometry? As one of the oldest sciences, geometry has sent many students seeking a little extra help. Our geometry tutors will come directly to you and explain all you need o know about lengths, areas, and volumes. Astronomy, Euclidean geometry, manifolds, Riemannian geometry, and general relativity-we have a tutor for that! Improve your geometry test grades and overall performance in class with the help of our experienced geometry tutors. Whether you need differential geometry, fractal geometry, or algebraic geometry we have tutors ready to help you now.
What is it?
Euclidean/Plane Geometry is the study of flat space. Between every pair of points there is a unique line segment which is the shortest curve between those two points. These line segments can be extended to lines. Lines are infinitely long in both directions and for every pair of points on the line the segment of the line between them is the shortest curve that can be drawn between them. All of these ideas can be described by drawing on a flat piece of paper. From the laws of Euclidean Geometry, we get the famous Pythagorean Theorem.
Non-Euclidean Geometry is any geometry that is different from Euclidean geometry. It is a consistent system of definitions, assumptions, and proofs that describe such objects as points, lines and planes. The two most common non-Euclidean geometries are spherical geometry and hyperbolic geometry. The essential difference between Euclidean geometry and these two non-Euclidean geometries is the nature of parallel lines: In Euclidean geometry, given a point and a line, there is exactly one line through the point that is in the same plane as the given line and never intersects it. In spherical geometry there are no such lines. In hyperbolic geometry there are at least two distinct lines that pass through the point and are parallel to (in the same plane as and do not intersect) the given line.
Riemannian Geometry is the study of curved surfaces and higher dimensional spaces. For example, you might have a cylinder, or a sphere and your goal is to find the shortest curve between any pair of points on such a curved surface, also known as a minimal geodesic. Or you may look at the universe as a three dimensional space and attempt to find the distance between/around several planets.
Students can succeed in any geometry class. From elementary school to college, math can be a difficult subject for many students. We make it easier and more understandable for them by providing expert tutors in every mathematics class including geometry. We will be happy to provide you with all the information you need to choose the tutor that is best suited for the geometry class you or your student is taking. You will review their educational background and experience to know that the geometry tutors we offer are experts in their field.
High School Tutors
Preparing for your student’s college future? Whether you start planning in 8th grade or 11th grade, it is never too late to get extra help. Whether your high school student needs a tutor in a specific subject or class, or they need study skills and organizational skills, or they need the gamut…we can help you get the help your high school student needs. We provide experienced and educated tutors that you can speak to. You choose the one that is best suited to your needs. Contact us today.
Atlanta Tutors
Atlanta is a city that takes education seriously. Atlanta residents demand the very best in tutoring and appreciate the outstanding service they receive when working with us. Like the many, many colleges in Atlanta, we have tutors for every student, whichever subject, level, and learning style you require. We have highly qualified and experienced tutors available in all areas of Atlanta, and best of all they come directly to you! We have been providing tutoring services to Atlanta students for many, many successful years. Our reputation as a premium service in Atlanta and surrounding areas is evident in the hundreds of testimonials we have received from parents, students, and schools.
Our Tutoring Service
We offer our clients choice when searching for a tutor, and we work with you all the way through the selection process. When you choose to work with one of our tutors, expect quality, professionalism, and experience. We will never offer you a tutor that is not qualified in the specific subject area you request. We will provide you with the degrees, credentials, and certifications each selected tutor holds so that you have the same confidence in them that we do. And for your peace of mind, we conduct a nation-wide criminal background check, sexual predator check and social security verification on every single tutor we offer you. We will find you the right tutor so that you can find success!