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Physics Tutors

Physics Tutors

Understanding and applying the basic concepts of Physics can be hard for many students. We have highly qualified and dependable Physics tutors available to help you prepare for exams and complete assignments. From electricity to energy, forces and motion, to waves and optics, our experienced Physics tutors will help you pass! One on one Physics instruction that is tailored to your specific needs means you will not have to struggle with Physics concepts anymore. If you need a Physics tutor, give us a call, we can help.

A sampling of college physics courses:

  • Contemporary Physics - Revolutions in Physics
  • Physics in the Modern World I and II
  • Fundamentals of Physics I and II
  • Principles of Physics I and II
  • Physics of Music
  • General Physics: Mechanics and Particle Dynamics
  • Introductory Physics: Mechanics and Relativity
  • Experimental Physics I: Mechanics, Heat and Fields
  • Experimental Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism
  • Experimental Physics III: Electromagnetic Waves, Optics and Modern Physics
  • Quantum Physics I and II
  • Methods of Statistical Physics
  • Methods of Mathematical Physics
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Atomic & Optical Physics I and II
  • General Physics: Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity and Modern Physics:
  • General Physics: Vibrations, Waves, Heat, Electricity and Magnetism

We have expert physics tutors available for high school or college level physics courses when you need them. All of our physics tutors are specifically credentialed in the area of study in which the student needs assistance. Most of our physics tutors hold upper level degrees or are college professors. They have real world and laboratory experience. Contact us now to preview a list of qualified physics tutors available to help you or your student today.

High School Tutors

“High school isn’t what is used to be.” High school students are inundated with grades, sports, work, volunteering, activities, and sometimes a little old fashioned teenage fun. Most students tend to take on more than they can mentally and physically handle, but want to prove they can do it. When a high school student shows signs of struggling it is important to get them the help they need as soon as possible. If your high school student begins wondering where they left their books, complaining they don’t have enough time to study, exclaiming the teacher isn’t fair, begins to say they just don’t understand or it’s too complicated, it’s time. It’s time to call for help. A simple call to hire a tutor now can make all the difference later. A tutor well versed in working with high school students understands these students are juggling a lot and they have ways to help the student stay focused, organized, well-prepared, and achieve their academic goals. Call or email us to day and we will help you find the right tutor for your student

Phoenix Tutors

As the 5th largest city in the United States, we are prepared to provide the most professional tutoring services available to Phoenix’s residents and students. As the population of Phoenix continues to grow, only 2nd to that of Las Vegas, we will continue to grow with it maintaining a database of highly qualified and experienced tutors to meet the people’s needs. We have tutors available for early elementary learners up to and including graduate students attending Arizona State University, Grand Canyon University, Argosy University and the other college campuses sprawling across Maricopa County. Our reputation as a premium service is evident in the hundreds of testimonials we have received from parents, students, and schools across the state of Arizona.

Our Tutoring Service

We offer our clients only the very best selection of tutors. When you request a tutor for a certain subject, you get what you ask for. Our tutors are expertly matched to your individual needs based on the criteria you provide to us. We will provide you with the degrees, credentials, and certifications that each selected tutor holds. Equally important is the peace of mind we offer you knowing that each of our tutors has been cleared by a nation-wide criminal background check, a sexual predator check, and social security verification. We want you to have the same confidence in our tutors as we do.

Here Are Some Of Our Physics Tutor Profiles

Subi S

Teaching Style

I love children and enjoy teaching, as I am a trained teacher. I know how to handle the children according to their age. I think a teacher should be a friend, a philosopher and a guide to the students.

Experience Summary

I have earned a master's degree in physics and bachelor's degree in education. I understand the methodology of teaching. I have two years of work experience in teaching. First I started my career by teaching physics in a vocational secondary school for one year. Then I worked in a high school teaching upper level math & science classes.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Education Calicut University, India B.Ed 2002
Degree Physics Calicut University, India M.Sc 2001
Degree Physics Calicut University, India B.Sc 1999

Moses M

Teaching Style

I have taken teaching as my profession. As a parent I love to help the young ones achieve their goals. I feel delighted when I see my students excel in life. Science, and especially Mathematics, is not as difficult as some people think; it is just a matter of getting the fundamentals. Here presentation of these fundamentals is very important.

Experience Summary

After high school, I went to a teacher training college and graduated after three years. I was a Mathematics and Science teacher for 7 years before I went to Canada for my B.Sc. in Physics. I then went to Howard University where I did my Master of Engineering in Civil (Environmental) Engineering and later my Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering at Ahmadu Bello University. I have tutored a lot of Mathematics and all science related courses. I have published many papers in professional journals. I also belong to many professional science based organizations. I have over twenty five years of University teaching experience. At present I am a part time Math tutor at Saint Augustine's College.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Environmental Engineering Ahmadu Bello University Ph.D. 1986
Degree Civil (Environmental) Engineering Howard University M.Eng. 1978
Degree Physics University of waterloo B.Sc. 1976

Malcom M

Teaching Style

I would best describe my teaching style as both effective and efficient. In order to be an effective teacher (or tutor) a relationship of mutual respect and trust must first be established between the teacher and the student. In addition, a student needs to know that the teacher sincerely cares about his or her accomplishments and successes both inside and outside of the classroom. Once these factor have been incorporated, it is then up to the teacher to relay the material and concepts to the student using situations and examples that are both relevant and familiar to the student's life and future career. If all these factors are taken into consideration, every student has the ability to learn the content of any subject area.

Experience Summary

Over the past 5 years I have taught various subjects in the areas of both science and mathematics including integrated science, earth science, physics, algebra (I and II), and geometry. For the past 3 years I have tutored small groups of student in a district funded, 6 week, after school program in an attempt to help students improve their SAT scores in the area of mathematics with all students reporting a significant increase in their test scores. I have also become extremely proficient with emerging technologies such as the TI-83 graphing calculator (and its successive models), teacher website design, and both online grading and lesson-planning software.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Certification Physics New Jersey Alternate Route Program Standard 2006
Degree Applied Physics Richard Stockton College of New Jersey BA 2002

Philip P

Teaching Style

My 5 years as a United States Marine established important core values such as tact, integrity, discipline, and commitment. I bring these values with me into the classroom. I believe that the success of a student depends more on their level of commitment than on inherent talent. However, learning must be an enjoyable experience in order for a strong commitment to be made. I am passionate about mathematics and the sciences, and this passion shows in my teaching style. Students recognize this passion, and it makes the learning experience fun. I am patient, open-minded, and innovative; so if a student is struggling with a particular topic, I find an alternative teaching approach which better suits their learning style. The success of my students is gratifying, to both student and teacher alike.

Experience Summary

I have been a straight-A student my entire life and I recently graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a 4.0 GPA. I earned my B.S. in Physics (Astronomy emphasis) with a minor in Applied Mathematics. Though my expertise lies in mathematics and the sciences, I am also knowledgeable in topics ranging from history to English grammar and composition. Much of my academic success is due to my ability to prepare for exams. I scored a 32 on the ACT, as well as perfect scores of 800 on the SAT2 Writing and GRE Mathematics exams. I gained teaching-related experience during my year as an Instructional Assistant, in which I assisted students with math, science, English, and GED exam preparation. At the college level, I spent 2.5 years tutoring in physics, math, and astronomy, as well as a semester in a college-level general physics class working as a teaching assistant.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Physics w/ Astronomy option University of New Hampshire B.S. 2008
Other Applied Mathematics University of New Hampshire Minor 2008
Degree Transfer Studies San Diego Mesa College A.A. 2005

Douglas D

Teaching Style

I find that demonstration though example is the first step to understanding. This allows for an initial exposure to the material and plants seeds of knowledge. Adjuvant to demonstration, motivation and enthusiasm to learn the material must be taught. All the homework in the world cannot replace this! Regrettably, students often struggle due to poor instruction or vague textbooks which erode a student’s motivation. Fortunately this can be overcome with a little outside assistance. My long term goal of teaching is to foster a mature understanding of the subject matter. To master a subject it must be learned from multiple angles before the bigger picture is illuminated. Once a subject is illuminated it must be continually revisited for long-term retention.

Experience Summary

To me education is a way of life. My academic career has been driven by a thirst for knowledge. I have earned a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering, during which my math, physics, biology, engineering (mechanical and electrical), and other science skills were cultivated. Afterward, I spent another year pursuing a M.S. in Biomedical Engineering, which further strengthened those skills. During this program I was contracted to teach biomedical computer science for sophomore level students. With higher academic hopes, I left the M.S. program, to complete a Ph.D. in Biophysics with an emphasis on MRI physics. My multi-disciplinary doctoral training had a heavy emphasis on math, physics, and biologic sciences. The doctoral training greatly increased my reading comprehension and vocabulary, as well as, strengthened my grammar and writing skills, which were needed to produce scientific publications. Throughout this training I gave lectures to graduate, undergraduate, and high school students on MR physics.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Biophysics Medical College of Wisconsin Ph.D. 2008
Degree Biomedical Engineering Milwaukee School Of Engineering B.S. 2002

Ryan R

Teaching Style

My teaching style is patient and thorough. I like to think of myself as a guide for students who are having difficulty in areas of math and science. I urge them to do the work, answer the questions, and ultimately earn the rewards of learning and discovery.

Experience Summary

I have a bachelor’s degree in Physics from the University of Chicago, a Masters degree in Physics from the University of Wisconsin, and am currently writing my doctoral thesis in Physics at the University of Wisconsin. I have enjoyed the opportunity to tutor math and science on a number of occasions at the U of C and UW, in small groups and one-on-one. I have also taught introductory physics courses at the University of Wisconsin, Driscoll Catholic High School, and the National University of Health Science. Years of teaching and research in science and math have made me very comfortable explaining and teaching these subjects.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Physics University of Wisconsin Masters 2002
Degree Physics University of Chicago Bachelor 2000

James J

Teaching Style

Few things give me as much pleasure as communicating academic concepts to students and seeing the look of understanding on their face. As a result, my teaching style emphasizes understanding of concepts and problem solving techniques. What this means that I don't just tell my students how to get the answer to a particular question. My goal is to enhance their skills so that they can tackle any math or physics problem that is related to the homework problems that are assigned. Furthermore, I ONLY tutor math and physics. This has my specialty and focus for 10 years. Whether you choose me as a tutor or someone else, I think it's always best to pick someone who specializes in a particular area.

Experience Summary

As a Physics Ph.D. I have a strong background in Mathematics and Physics. Currently, I am a senior research scientist in a university lab. This experience has helped me understand how math and science are used in real world applications, which gives me ways to relate these subjects to students in a way that they can appreciate. In other words I can explain what importance that these subjects have in the real world. I have taught physics at the university level for a full year which gives me an insight into what professors expect from students at the college level. Also, I have been a tutor for nearly 10 years.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Japanese University of Tokyo Fluent current
Other Mathematics University of California Classes at MS level 2007-2008
Degree Physics University of Illinois Ph.D 2003
Degree Physics University of Illinois BA 1999

Jonathan J

Teaching Style

I have learned that in teaching physics and mathematics it is important not only to have a grasp of the broad principles and concepts but to see how they are related and build upon one another. Furthermore, I have seen the success in teaching and practicing physics and mathematics from a problem solving point of view and tend to teach by providing examples to be worked upon and solving problems that typify common physics exam questions. I enjoy teaching to people from all different types of educational background and capabilities and see any subject material as accessible to all provided they are taught in a way most suitable to the individual and strive to find that for every one of my students.

Experience Summary

As a current graduate student of Texas A&M University working towards my PhD in Particle Physics here at Fermi National Accelerator Lab I have had the good fortune to not only experience the passion and interest that research in physics provides, but develop an extensive and diverse teaching experience. With an emphasis on making physics fun and understandable I have had experience in many of the basic physics courses as well as helping develop an outreach course to present the upper level physics ideas (big bang, black holes,...etc) to the mass public in an approachable and understandable way.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Experimental Particle Physics Texas A&M PhD In Progress / Current
Other AAPT Outstanding Teaching Assistant Texas A&M Award 2008
Degree Physics Texas A&M MS 2007
Degree Physics University of Iowa BS 2004

A Word From Previous Students and Parents

Angela, H.

Belleair, FL

I just wanted to let you know that we met with Peggy last night and she is great!  She is exactly what Cassidy needs and I was very impressed by her.

Stacey F.

Phoenix, AZ

My daughter worked with Chad Bemis on Calculus and it was a complete success. We think she ended up with an A in the class and we are awaiting the AP scores however she feels she got a minimum of a 3 on the AP test. This is amazing considering that ...


Calvin & Lori, S.

Antioch, TN

Calvin's tutoring sessions with Ms. Nancy are going well. She has been very helpful to not only Calvin but to me as well. Giving me advice on what to do to help him more.