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Anatomy Tutors

Anatomy Tutors

There are several Anatomy courses specific to the organism being studied. "Animal anatomy" is sometimes called zomy; "vegetable anatomy," phytotomy; but typically, students are referring to the “human anatomy” which is sometimes called anthropotomy. Human Anatomy is often studied by both high school and undergraduate college students interested in a career in medicine.

Human Anatomy is the study of the anatomical structure of the human body. It is a thorough examination of the cells, tissues, organs and organ systems. The student’s primary goal is to identify each specific body structures and use of the correct descriptive vocabulary (sometimes in Latin). Students will also learn the functions of the each specific body structure. Some specific components of an Anatomy course that students are required to learn are: (1) identify cell types, cell organelles, tissue types and organs both microscopically and macroscopically (2) discuss the similarities and differences among types of bone and bone growth mechanisms (3) identify the structures of the heart and the names of blood vessels (4) identify the primary areas of the brain and the component parts within each area and correctly associate the specific anatomical areas of the brain with their functions…These are only a few of the objectives of any Human Anatomy course!

While many students find an anatomy course fascinating, the shear volume of knowledge they must learn can be overwhelming. Students that are intent on following a career path in a medical or related field must not simply regurgitate this information. Understanding the human anatomy is clearly the basis for many students a lifelong medical profession. For those students, getting a private tutor that can work with them through many related courses can be the key to a successful college career.

College Tutors

Today many students take college level course starting in 11th grade with Advanced Placement courses. Other students are attending a community college, technical college, Business College, medical college, or even a prestigious 4-year university. No matter the level or the location, certain college courses can be a challenge, if not down right overwhelming. This is when it is best to turn to a professional tutor for help. No matter the subject area, we believe in experts with related experience providing professional college level tutoring. Our college tutors are always top in quality and credentials.

Phoenix Tutors

As the 5th largest city in the United States, we are prepared to provide the most professional tutoring services available to Phoenix’s residents and students. As the population of Phoenix continues to grow, only 2nd to that of Las Vegas, we will continue to grow with it maintaining a database of highly qualified and experienced tutors to meet the people’s needs. We have tutors available for early elementary learners up to and including graduate students attending Arizona State University, Grand Canyon University, Argosy University and the other college campuses sprawling across Maricopa County. Our reputation as a premium service is evident in the hundreds of testimonials we have received from parents, students, and schools across the state of Arizona.

Our Tutoring Service

We believe that the most effective tutoring occurs when you have the undivided attention of a highly qualified and experienced tutor by your side. Our exceptional tutors are not only experienced and educated, but are experts in their field and passionate about teaching others. We will always provide you with a tutor specifically qualified and experienced in the subject matter you need. And for your peace of mind, we conduct a nation-wide criminal background check, sexual predator check and social security verification on every single tutor we offer you. Before you invest money and time into tutoring sessions, be sure you have selected the right tutor for you.

Here Are Some Of Our Anatomy Tutor Profiles

Lori L

Teaching Style

I love helping students learn and discover new interests. I understand that people learn in different ways and I am capable of adjusting to each child's style. I am personally a visual and tactile learner so that is where I typically start and then adjust to each child.

Experience Summary

During my time at UCF, I was a teaching assistant for Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy and a tutor for Ecology. I have also published research in invasion plant biology and have spent time performing underwater research in Roatan, Honduras. I have a strong understanding of biology and the related fields and good written or oral communication skills.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Biology University of Central FLorida BS 2008

Julie J

Teaching Style

Teaching college students has been very rewarding. I encourage active participation in discussion and groups. Each class is started with a question and answer period about any nutrition issue they might have. Most assignments have an aspect of self discovery so that each student can learn something about their nutrition status. Late work is not allowed and attendance is not taken; rather random "reflection" responses are asked to reward those that attend and to ascertain their understanding of the concepts discussed. Each student can excel when the effort is made.

Experience Summary

As an adjunct faculty member at Brigham Young University Idaho since 1995 (it was then Ricks College), I have taught human nutrition, nutrition and the young child, introduction to foods, nutrition for the culinary arts majors, and various classes for the dietetic technician program. I earned my Dietetics degree in 1985 and have practiced as a Registered Dietitian since then. I have worked in clinical settings including hospitals, long term care, assisted living homes and fitness centers. I am a partner in the Idaho Plate Method LLC business, which created a diabetes education tool sold throughout the United States.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Certification Doula Doulas of North America Birth Assistant Current
Certification CPR/First Aid American Heart Association Basic 2008
Certification Childbirth Educator Lamaze International LCCE 2007
Degree Health Education Idaho State University Masters 2003
Degree Dietetics Idaho State University Bachelors 1983
Degree General Ricks College Associate 1980

Nathan N

Teaching Style

I believe in completing an individual needs assessment and designing a study approach around that assessment. I believe in constant reinforcement and reassessment. I also believe it is useful to utilize as many and as varied forms of instruction as possible (written, audio-visual, demonstration, etc.) to solidify a concept. Promoting thorough understanding rather than route memory and recognition skills is paramount.

Experience Summary

Over the years (as undergrad and graduate), I have tutored middle school and elementary age students in various subjects. I have also been a resource for undergrad and graduate health science students while serving as a graduate assistant (public health master's program). I proctored exams and held tutoring and review sessions prior to testing. I have two master's degrees, three undergraduate degrees, and experience as a paramedic, nurse, and substitute teacher.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Nursing Armstrong State University BSN 2005
Degree Biomedical Science Barry University Master's 2000
Degree Public Health Armstrong State University Master's 1999
Degree Biology Mercer University BS 1995
Degree Psychology Mercer University BA 1995

Nirav N

Teaching Style

As an grade A student in many of my Basic Sciences classes during medical career, I have focused my attention to teach or tutor two essential subjects, Histology and Physiology. I enjoy teaching and feel it is rewarding to me. I love sharing my knowledge for medicine and would like to persue in acedemic teaching after becoming a doctor. Because of my profession, I've learned to be very understanding and a good listener. Teaching at medical school, my classes were entertaining but at the same time very informative and helpful to students. After finishing Basic Sciences, two years of medical school, I can integrate all the primary subjects together to help student acheive an excellent score not only in their acedemic requriements but also in the borad exam - USMLE part I.

Experience Summary

MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF THE AMERICAS JAN 2005-DEC 2005 Teacher’s Assistant – Histology •Assist Histology professor with making power-point slide presentations •Prepare study notes and Histology slide presentations for the students •Organize and conduct review classes – tutor Histology lectures and answer questions for students •Conduct and review Histology slides mock exam in power-point presentation •Thoroughly explain and teach complex topics related to Histophysiology and Histopathology Teacher’s Assistant – Physiology •Prepare study notes and Physiology power-point presentations for the students •Organize and conduct review classes – tutor Physiology lectures and answer questions for students •Prepare and present Physiology mock exam in power-point presentation •Thoroughly explain and teach Pathophysiology, Pharmacophysiology related to different body organ system


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Other 4th Year Medical Student Medical University of the Americas 4th year 2009
Other Biomedical Sciences University of South FL 90+ credit hours 2005

Tyler T

Teaching Style

At the university level, my experience has shown me that all students can have trouble from basic to advanced concepts. During the first meeting I explain to the student that it is not only my job, but theirs to help themselves succeed, and to understand what troubles they are having with their specific courses. I follow the student through their book carefully, and prepare myself for the individual tutoring lessons. This form of education has given me the best results for the students.

Experience Summary

Tutoring began for me at Montana State University-Northern while attending school majoring in Pre-Med. I worked at Student Support Services for five semesters tutoring mostly science based classes. I fell in love with giving knowledge and helping students understand concepts of their specific courses. I am two semesters away from obtaining my B.S in Pre-Med with a minor in chemistry. I have always enjoyed working with multiple levels of students, but prefer high school and up. Math and science are my preferred areas for tutoring including: Introductory chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, physics 1, cellular biology, anatomy and physiology, zoology, microbiology, and molecular biology.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Other Pre-Med MSU-Northern/Boise State University Undergraduate 2005-Present

John J

Teaching Style

I am convinced, partly because of my own experiences, that the current educational system best serves the needs of the average student. I also believe that it seldom addresses the needs of those students whose learning style is not a good fit with the one size fits all educational system. This may be for a wide variety of reasons, but the result is that the student is left without the needed skill set to compete and what’s worse, left with the message that they are responsible for "not getting it" and are inferior or stupid in some respect. I nearly flunked junior high pre-algebra, and was a mediocre math student in high school. I eventually managed to teach myself, and have subsequently scored 800 on the math section of the GRE and was one of about 50/15000 to score a perfect 15 on the quantitative section of the medical college admission test (MCAT). What is wrong with this picture? My own take is that we all have different styles of optimal learning, and what’s more, are often hindered by simple roadblocks that only 1:1 teaching can identify and redress. I am very passionate about finding the approach that clicks, and building back the esteem that comes with mastery of the subject material.

Experience Summary

Prior to entering graduate and later medical school, I tutored a variety of subjects in the area of mathematics and science. As a PhD candidate, one of the requirements was to assist in teaching the physiology labs, and as an advanced candidate, was given the opportunity to give lectures in physiology to medical and nursing students. Most recently I have been an unpaid volunteer on the on-line physics forum where advanced high school and college students can go on line for assistance with their homework. Because of my career selection, I have had to take many standardized examinations and am quite adept at these. I believe I can help other aspiring students achieve the higher scores needed for acceptance in programs of their choice.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Medicine University of Utah MD 1988
Degree General science and math Univ Nevada, Reno BS 1980

Dr George D

Teaching Style

My teaching style is unique in that I make sure the student can start with the fundamental basis of all learning. Especially in the Sciences you must make sure that the student has no misunderstood words or nomenclature regarding the subject, give them plenty of mass on the subject via demonstration and visual aids and finally make sure not to skip any gradients in regards to student comprehension. These are screened through class participation, demonstration and word checking.

Experience Summary

I retired from a rewarding field of Chiropractic in 2000. During that time a treated many celebrities and rose to the top of my field. Since then I have enjoyed continuing to work with the public through instructing Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology and other related Sciences in various Massage and Skin Care Institutes. I find the work rewarding and wish to find the setting in which I can continue to make a difference in peoples lives.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Other Sciences, Anatomy Physiology Touching Palms Massage Instructor 2006
Degree Chiropractic Columbia Doctorate 1975

Diana D

Teaching Style

Having a minor in psychology, as well as the wonderful teachers I had been exposed to over the years, has helped me to recognize that each student had a unique learning style. I attempt to discover this style, which usually happens within one lesson, and focus in on proper teaching methods to cater to this style. I am very patient and have worked with various levels of skill and ability to intake information. I love hands on activities where possible (sciences mainly) and have a multitude of visual examples for many subjects. I hope to inspire my students to want to learn a subject they once thought was "pointless" or "boring".

Experience Summary

I began tutoring when I was in middle school. Our school designed a program where honors students were paired with students they believed to be at risk for dropping out of school before they graduated high school. I tutored one specific student for 2 years and continued to mentor him through high school. After this program I realized I loved working one-on-one with people who were truly struggling with education. I have always known education was extremely important to my own success and I wanted to help others gain knowledge towards their own goals. I tutored through college and still continue to do so. My education has given me insight into many levels of math and science as well as recognizing how to write on a scientific level due to laboratory analysis. Due to this ability to express math and science on a basic level it aides in explaining it to others who do not have a firm grasp on the topic at hand. I have tutored the following subjects at a high school level: chemistry (regular through AP), biology (up to the AP level), linear functions, calculus, statistics, physics (up to AP), algebra I & II, and trigonometry. At a college level I have tutored: chemistry, organic chemistry, biology, molecular biology, cellular biology, statistics (at the request of the professor), physics, biomedical physics, public health, anatomy, and trigonometry.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Biomedical Sciences Univeristy of south Florida BS 2007
Other Chemistry Univeristy of South Florida Minor 2007
Other Biomedical Physics Univeristy of South Florida Minor 2007
Other Psychology Univeristy of South Florida Minor 2007

A Word From Previous Students and Parents

Jeff, B.

Weston, FL

Sharon is doing great... Best so far. Thanks.

Calvin & Lori, S.

Antioch, TN

Calvin's tutoring sessions with Ms. Nancy are going well. She has been very helpful to not only Calvin but to me as well. Giving me advice on what to do to help him more.

Dorota M

Clearwater, FL

I wanted to let you know that Lisa Johnson did an outstanding job with Julian and we see his grades going up. I would strongly recommend her to anyone looking for a tutor in chemistry or math.