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Our Tutoring Service

We believe that one-on-one, personalized, in-home instruction is the most effective way for students to focus on academic improvement and build confidence. We know that finding you the best tutor means more that just sending a qualified teacher into your home. We provide our clients access to the largest selection of highly qualified and fully screened professional tutors in the country. We believe that tutoring is most effective when the academic needs of the student are clearly defined. Our purpose is to help you clarify those needs, set academic goals, and meet those goals as quickly and effectively as possible. Using a tutor should be a positive experience that results in higher achievement and higher self-confidence for every learner.

Here Are Some Of Our Tutor Profiles

Douglas D

Teaching Style

I find that demonstration though example is the first step to understanding. This allows for an initial exposure to the material and plants seeds of knowledge. Adjuvant to demonstration, motivation and enthusiasm to learn the material must be taught. All the homework in the world cannot replace this! Regrettably, students often struggle due to poor instruction or vague textbooks which erode a student’s motivation. Fortunately this can be overcome with a little outside assistance. My long term goal of teaching is to foster a mature understanding of the subject matter. To master a subject it must be learned from multiple angles before the bigger picture is illuminated. Once a subject is illuminated it must be continually revisited for long-term retention.

Experience Summary

To me education is a way of life. My academic career has been driven by a thirst for knowledge. I have earned a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering, during which my math, physics, biology, engineering (mechanical and electrical), and other science skills were cultivated. Afterward, I spent another year pursuing a M.S. in Biomedical Engineering, which further strengthened those skills. During this program I was contracted to teach biomedical computer science for sophomore level students. With higher academic hopes, I left the M.S. program, to complete a Ph.D. in Biophysics with an emphasis on MRI physics. My multi-disciplinary doctoral training had a heavy emphasis on math, physics, and biologic sciences. The doctoral training greatly increased my reading comprehension and vocabulary, as well as, strengthened my grammar and writing skills, which were needed to produce scientific publications. Throughout this training I gave lectures to graduate, undergraduate, and high school students on MR physics.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Biophysics Medical College of Wisconsin Ph.D. 2008
Degree Biomedical Engineering Milwaukee School Of Engineering B.S. 2002

Ashley A

Teaching Style

I believe every student is different and has his or her own way of learning. That’s why one of the most important things in being a tutor is the capability to listen to your students and understand their needs. Another fundamental quality in tutoring is the ability to make it fun and interesting for the student by developing a rapport with them. If the students aren’t comfortable or aren’t enjoying what they are learning, then there is no interest in retaining and applying the information. I am also a firm believer in using the Socratic Method to help students learn. I especially like asking students to explain how they came to their conclusion. I believe this forces them to understand the fundamentals surrounding the answer rather than giving a memorized response. This, in turn, leads to the development of critical thought which will benefit the student in all subject matters. I am also a firm believer in using the Socratic Method to help students learn. I especially like asking students to explain how they came to their conclusion. I believe this forces them to understand the fundamentals surrounding the answer rather than giving a memorized response. This, in turn, leads to the development of critical thought which will benefit the student in all subject matters.

Experience Summary

Ever since I was a child I loved to learn. I would read anything I could get my hands on to discover more about the interesting world we live in. My love for learning earned me a full scholarship to the University of Florida where I graduated with a BA in Economics. While at UF, I mastered my mathematical skills and critical thinking but it wasn't until I was working for an economist that I truly learned to write professionally and concisely. Today, I have become a well rounded individual who has never lost their love for learning. The only thing that has changed is that now I enjoy helping others love to learn through tutoring. Throughout my life I have tutored my family and friends but it wasn’t until recently that I began tutoring professionally. I have experience tutoring math, reading comprehension, science and economics. However, I am confident that I am capable of tutoring: writing, history, social sciences, sciences-(elementary, middle, astronomy, biology), economics, and psychology. I also have some experience with SAT Test prep.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Economics University of Florida BA 2006

Lindsey L

Teaching Style

Everyone will tell you that there are three major types of learning styles: Visual Learners, Auditory Learners, and Tactile/Kinesthetic (hands on) Learners. In my experience as a student and a tutor, most people have a main learning style but actually learn best through a combination of all three. My goal when tutoring is to figure out what each students main learning style is, so I can present the information in a way that they will be academically successful. I use a mixture of Audio, Visual and Hands-On methods. People also retain information best when they teach it to someone else, so I have my students explain to me what was covered.

Experience Summary

I have earned a bachelor degree in Business Administration emphasis in Accounting and a minor in Business Law from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. While earning my degree I tutored at the Learning Resource Center - ASI Peer Tutoring Program. From October 2005 - June 2007, I tutored college peers in Accounting, Finance, Statistics, Computer Information Systems, and Technology & Operations Management. After Graduation I continued to tutor as a private tutor, since I had to be a student to tutor at the Learning Resource Center.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Other Accounting, Finance, & Statistics PrivateTutor Advanced Current
Other Accounting, Finance, & Statistics Learning Resource Center, Cal Poly Pomona over 1000 hrs 2007
Degree Accounting California State Polytechnic University, Pomona BA 2007
Certification CRLA Regular Tutoring Learning Resource Center, Cal Poly Pomona 25 hrs 2005

Ashley A

Teaching Style

First and foremost, I believe it is important to establish a trusting relationship with those you teach. Throughout my experiences in the field of education, I have found the most fruitful of those relationships to be those in which I was able to work with a student or group of students regularly over an extended period of time to develop a routine and a strong relationship in which great amounts of learning and understanding could be accomplished. Although many people experience obstacles in learning Mathematics, I believe that by presenting multiple ways to approach a problem, every student can find a method that works for them. Every student should be allowed the resources and opportunity to realize that they CAN achieve their goals. I am here to help students who have had difficulty with Math in the past to succeed, and feel confident in both their abilities in Math, and in life.

Experience Summary

As a student, I was always committed to learning and to achieving my goals. As a teacher and tutor, I strive to help others share the same love for learning and for understanding as I do. Now, I help others set goals, and work toward achieving them. I have worked with all ages, all ability levels, and various sized groups and have enjoyed each and every experience. In the past, I have primarily tutored in the subject of Mathematics, but am also trained by the Literacy Council to tutor reading and writing, and have enjoyed volunteering with that organization as well. I believe that I can help anyone enjoy and understand math, and help them feel better about themselves for it.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Mathematics UNC Chapel Hill BA 2005

Miriam M

Teaching Style

I like to figure out whether a student learns best by words, diagrams and pictures, or analogy. I enjoy finding ways to simplify things and help someone else learn. In addition to all the teaching I've done at the graduate level, I've also helped my two children with homework when needed for the past 20 years.

Experience Summary

I have been teaching and doing research in chemistry, biology, and genetics for many years. I am an avid tutor and teacher for all sciences. As with all laboratory sciences I have written many research papers; therefore, I am confident I can also assist students with writing papers and essays.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Molecular Genetics U. Cincinnati PhD 1990
Degree Pathology U Toronto MS 1984
Degree Biochemistry U Toronto BS 1980

John J

Teaching Style

I am convinced, partly because of my own experiences, that the current educational system best serves the needs of the average student. I also believe that it seldom addresses the needs of those students whose learning style is not a good fit with the one size fits all educational system. This may be for a wide variety of reasons, but the result is that the student is left without the needed skill set to compete and what’s worse, left with the message that they are responsible for "not getting it" and are inferior or stupid in some respect. I nearly flunked junior high pre-algebra, and was a mediocre math student in high school. I eventually managed to teach myself, and have subsequently scored 800 on the math section of the GRE and was one of about 50/15000 to score a perfect 15 on the quantitative section of the medical college admission test (MCAT). What is wrong with this picture? My own take is that we all have different styles of optimal learning, and what’s more, are often hindered by simple roadblocks that only 1:1 teaching can identify and redress. I am very passionate about finding the approach that clicks, and building back the esteem that comes with mastery of the subject material.

Experience Summary

Prior to entering graduate and later medical school, I tutored a variety of subjects in the area of mathematics and science. As a PhD candidate, one of the requirements was to assist in teaching the physiology labs, and as an advanced candidate, was given the opportunity to give lectures in physiology to medical and nursing students. Most recently I have been an unpaid volunteer on the on-line physics forum where advanced high school and college students can go on line for assistance with their homework. Because of my career selection, I have had to take many standardized examinations and am quite adept at these. I believe I can help other aspiring students achieve the higher scores needed for acceptance in programs of their choice.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Medicine University of Utah MD 1988
Degree General science and math Univ Nevada, Reno BS 1980

Diana D

Teaching Style

Having a minor in psychology, as well as the wonderful teachers I had been exposed to over the years, has helped me to recognize that each student had a unique learning style. I attempt to discover this style, which usually happens within one lesson, and focus in on proper teaching methods to cater to this style. I am very patient and have worked with various levels of skill and ability to intake information. I love hands on activities where possible (sciences mainly) and have a multitude of visual examples for many subjects. I hope to inspire my students to want to learn a subject they once thought was "pointless" or "boring".

Experience Summary

I began tutoring when I was in middle school. Our school designed a program where honors students were paired with students they believed to be at risk for dropping out of school before they graduated high school. I tutored one specific student for 2 years and continued to mentor him through high school. After this program I realized I loved working one-on-one with people who were truly struggling with education. I have always known education was extremely important to my own success and I wanted to help others gain knowledge towards their own goals. I tutored through college and still continue to do so. My education has given me insight into many levels of math and science as well as recognizing how to write on a scientific level due to laboratory analysis. Due to this ability to express math and science on a basic level it aides in explaining it to others who do not have a firm grasp on the topic at hand. I have tutored the following subjects at a high school level: chemistry (regular through AP), biology (up to the AP level), linear functions, calculus, statistics, physics (up to AP), algebra I & II, and trigonometry. At a college level I have tutored: chemistry, organic chemistry, biology, molecular biology, cellular biology, statistics (at the request of the professor), physics, biomedical physics, public health, anatomy, and trigonometry.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Biomedical Sciences Univeristy of south Florida BS 2007
Other Chemistry Univeristy of South Florida Minor 2007
Other Biomedical Physics Univeristy of South Florida Minor 2007
Other Psychology Univeristy of South Florida Minor 2007

Michael M

Teaching Style

Making school awesome for students is challenging, but it is something that gives me a lot of satisfaction. Before I begin teaching, I create several goals and strategies to make it clear what I expect and what direction we want to go. I emphasize that as long as they give it a 100% effort, they will do well. I use as many teaching tools as possible. I make the concepts as clear as possible, and I check for understanding before we move on. I make classes interesting by connecting the material to things they like. I also like to incorporate games. Finally, I like to maintain a sense of humor. This not only allows class to be enjoyable, but the students do better when they are relaxed. The combination of organization, making the material clear, using various methods, and making the classes fun is how I make teaching successful and enjoyable.

Experience Summary

As a graduate in meteorology with a minor in math, I have had plenty of experience with math and science. I have had the pleasure of sharing this knowledge by tutoring children in these fields. My first experience occurred when I was a senior in college: I tutored students in math individually and in groups. It was enjoyable to assist students in Algebra up to Calculus. I gained more tutoring experience when I assisted high school and college students while I worked for Carney Educational Services recently. I have also been a teacher. First, I gained some valuable experience as a substitute teacher. Then, I had a blast while I was an instructor at Astrocamp. Getting kids excited about science was awesome.


Type Subject Issued-By Level Year
Degree Meteorology w/ Math minor University of Northern Colorado B.S. 2003

A Word From Previous Students and Parents

Kelley W.

Clearwater, FL

I wanted to thank you very much for the service you provide. Jason was a HUGE help to Jeremy. He was finally able to pass the class! It really helped him in more ways than you know to be able to be successful. Thank you to your company and to Jason!

Megan G.

Tampa, FL

I was extremely impressed with Patti on Tuesday, September 9. She was competely prepared for me and had looked over the assignments I sent her and made study cards as well as sheets that I could use. I would highly recommend her based on our first se...


Kim, S.

Knoxville, TN

Things are going very well. Micah is great with both children and they really seem to be catching on.

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